zondag 15 mei 2011

A tour around the island

Fairy tale like woods on top of the Montagna Grande

Cala Levante

Message in the newspaper: the attendees of a conference on cistern technologies fall down their research topic while visiting the Acropolis site in Pantelleria

A tour around the island goes hand in hand with good food and home made wine!


All these pictures and not one on the reason why I am actually here. Shame on me! To make up for it, here's a picture of one the typical bottled-shaped cisterns of Pantelleria... or what is left of it.


Olive trees on Pantelleria or ... maybe olive bushes would be a better way to put it. They look really weird!

Look for the human in the cactus

Let's end with a romantic note. It's there where you least expect it.

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